Monday, January 4, 2016

New Band/ Album Review: Thrillkiller, Time

"There's Something About You
I'm In Too Deep!"

I've said before that the Washington DC and Baltimore areas is a breeding ground for amazing progressive metal. And, it is. But what do you get when you combine the musical talent of a band like Toto with the energy and soul of a band like Extreme? You get the Baltimore heavyweight, Thrillkiller! Although, don't think for a second that I'm saying they sound like anyone. They have their own unique style. They have a great name too, but Thrillkiller may not be the right name for this band. They don't kill ANY thrill. They simply thrill over and over again, never letting up, and you're better for hearing them!

Simply put, this band is incredible. Their four song EP called Time has more energy than a nuclear reactor. And, I'm not exaggerating. You start listening to it, and you'll be hooked. You'll be bobbing your head, and you'll be cheering at the end of each song. And that's just listening to the album! Imagine seeing them live!

All four songs on the EP are loaded with groove, funk, harmony, blistering guitar, earth shaking rhythm section, and great vocals/ vocal harmony. I'm just going to say that right off the bat and apply it to all the songs. However, while nothing sounds the same on the album, Thrillkiller definitely has their own unique style. Track 3  In Too Deep is more of a deep groove with a huge chorus, and a hook that will get stuck in your head in a good way. Track 1, Passion Killer shows us the blues influence on the band, with yet another huge chorus. Track 2, Time is my favorite on the EP. It has more of a metal feel to it than the other tunes, although it is still full of funk influences. The guitar solo is spectacular on this one, with an 80's virtuoso feel to it. And, another huge chorus! Track 4, The Storm is an all out assault on the senses. Its got everything from 80's virtuoso feeling guitar solo to hard and heavy driving power. It would make a great set opener or closer.

Maxim Sobchenko, guitars. Rob Bradley, Vocals
Singer, Rob Bradley is one of the best singers I've had the pleasure of reviewing. He has an amazing vocal range, and can harmonize anything. Its a smooth voice that is powerful in every part of his range. He's also a vocal instructor. Guitarist, Maxim Sobchenko is every bit a guitar god as such funk/rock/metal guitar gods, like Nuno Bettencort. He's amazing. He doesn't play rhythm guitar. Every lick on the EP is a lead of some sort. The two of them are the only permanent members at the moment. They are looking for a bassist and drummer good enough to share the stage with them. However, Matt Bittman  who has worked with bands like Slipknot, Mars Volta, and Imagine Dragons played bass and drums, as well as engineering the album. The band is already playing shows, so keep an eye out for them!

This album is EXTREMELY well done. It sounds every bit as good as; if not better than many of the releases of signed bands. Its probably one of the best sounding indie productions I've ever heard. The music is a clinic on how great music should sound. Rock and metal musicians will love it, but non musicians will love it as well. Its as intricate as progressive rock and metal, but has a commercial feel to it as well. You owe it to yourself to get this one! 

And, here's how to get it:

Soon to be on Itunes, Amazon, Google, etc.


And, we had the band on the Night Time Fiasco as guests a few couple months ago. Click here.
Although the show was called something else at the time.

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