Thursday, December 10, 2015

Movie Review: Creed

"One step at a time. 
One punch at a time. 
One round at a time."

We were all wondering what exactly the Creed movie, starring Michael B Jordan as Adonis Creed would have in store for us. After the great movie, Rocky Balboa, many fans were wondering whether Stallone and company should have left well enough alone, or whether they could strike gold a second time. 

Some called this movie a reboot, some called it a sequel. Actually, it was both. A reboot in the sense that the main character from the previous films was a costar rather than the main character. A sequel in that it continued the storyline rather than starting it over again and retelling it. It expanded Rocky's story and took it in new directions while staying true to what made these films the best sports movie franchise of all time.

Most people, myself included were optimistic. However some were worried because Stallone didn't write or direct this film. Rising star director, Ryan Coogler did. The story features Adonis Creed, son of the legendary boxer, Apollo Creed. He wants to follow in his father's footsteps, even though Apollo's untimely demise happens before he is born. Although, he wants to box, he wants to become a fighter on his own merit, so he doesn't use his last name. He also had issues resulting from growing up without a father. So, he ultimately winds up in Philadelphia, seeking out Rocky Balboa for training. Rocky at first is hesitant to train Creed, but he ultimately decides to do it. Creed through a twist of fate winds up with a championship match with the champion of the world. The stipulation? He needs to change his name to Creed, which he eventually decides to do. (Sound familiar?) While it may sound familiar, it was done well, and didn't come off as rehash. That's because it wasn't.

Adonis Creed was good on his own
But wanted to be better, which
is why he seeks out Rocky

The movie does follow the template that was successful for Rocky in the past, but that is a good thing. This movie could have been a disaster if one single little thing had been done wrong. However, everything...and I mean everything was done spot on perfectly. 

As I watched it, I was thinking to myself that this movie should have been Rocky 5. But, I'm glad it wasn't because if it had, we wouldn't have had the character and story development that came to be in Rocky Balboa. Creed really expands on that story of Rocky as a punchy and brain damaged former champion who has lost just about everything. You see Rocky and Creed's relationship grow, and you realize that while Rocky is helping Creed, Creed is also helping Rocky. And even though Rocky is more like a Yoda type mentor than a fighter, he still winds up in a major fight, which is what Creed is helping him with. The relationships are done beautifully in this movie.

You see this guy here? That's the toughest opponent
you're ever going to have to face. I believe that's true in the ring,
and I think that's true in life. Now show me something
Creed, like its predecessor, Rocky Balboa is extremely well done, like I said before. Its one of the top films in the franchise. Better than 2,3, and of course 5. Its also better than Rocky Balboa, and it may even be better than 4. My main issue with 4 is that they over sensationalized everything. But, it was the 80's, so its okay. Nothing seems forced, and the lines are well rehearsed and delivered. Even the opponent's names are good. Let's face it, Stallone wasn't the best at naming the opponents in the films...A black man named Mason 'The Line' Dixon? Even in The Expendables 2. Villain? I rest my case. The antagonist's name in this movie is  'Pretty' Ricky Conlan. He is the world champion, and is from The United Kingdom. Like I said, something happens that gives Creed his shot. 

Creed and Conlan in the ring.
Conlan is played by Tony Bellew

Of course, there are side stories. For example, Creed has a love interest. A local aspiring singer, Bianca played by Tessa Thompson. She has issues of her own, and is a perfect partner for Creed. Also, we see Mary Anne Creed, Apollo's wife, played by Phylicia Rashad. She plays a prominent role in Adonis's upbringing, although its not what you might expect. All the characters in this film have their own demons that they are having to deal with. 

Creed and Bianca after the first match
On top of that, there are some new characters who are linked to original characters that you need to pay attention and keep an eye out for. And while nothing is force fed to you just for the sake of name dropping, its still really cool to see some of these people. 

Creed is a must see for every Rocky fan. It fits perfectly in with the rest of the franchise, and the entire movie tugs at your heart strings. At the end of the film, you want more. And, the weight of the emotions that run high throughout, it might feel like you got hit by Adonis Creed. This was the best movie I've seen in years, and I'll likely see it again before it comes out on DVD. It really fires on all cylinders. Sequels can sometimes get sidetracked, especially when its a film with a new director, and if it wasn't a story that was written to be a sequel, IE Star Wars, LOTR, Harry Potter, etc. If you didn't know any better, you'd swear this was written back in the 70's along with the original story.

So, if I gave stars, I would give this movie a perfect 5 of 5. I loved it and you will too. Go see it! Now!

Oh, by the way...
We find out who won this fight.


  1. Great review! I have been waiting for this movie forever and can't wait to see it!

  2. YesssssssssssIRRRRR! Dandadadandadadandadandant (, I Tell You RYAN COOGLER,director of Film) SERIOUSLY, Did his Homework with this film!!!.I've waited 30 yrs to see how they were gonna continue to pay homage to Apollo after his death. AND THIS FILM HERE WAS SO SPOT ON & on Time the way the story was told (FYI ROCKY IV,the series in which Apollo Creed died tragically came out in 1985) NUFF SAID..HISTORY was made & I'm on pins& needles to see if a CREED PT 2 is on the horizon :-);-);-). Michael B is the Guy to watch for in '16 & Beyond! AWESOME SAUCE MOVIE ALL AROUND!

    1. I knew I would like it but it was one of the best movies I've seen in years. Totally agree with you.
