Thursday, August 8, 2013

Interview with Pamela Moore

I'd like to thank Ms. Moore for the opportunity she gave me to interview her. I had a lot of fun, and she is a very friendly lady. We discussed her new album; Resurrect Me on Rat Pak Records, which I also reviewed earlier. 

Here is the interview:

Me: I do have one Queensryche related question for you if that's ok.

PM: (laughs) That's fine go ahead.

Me: What was it like coming out on stage at their album release concert, and doing Suite Sister Mary with Todd LaTorre? Because, when you took the stage, the crowd just went nuts.

PM: It was awesome. So you were there, huh?

Me: No, but I did watch all the Youtube footage from it.

PM: You know, it’s always awesome for me to be on stage.  I love it!  Solo, or with my friends!Queensryche, all of them have been like family to me, and being able to join up with them is kind of like being “home”. <giggles> I've done “Sister Mary” with Geoff, of course but this was a first with Todd,  it was a very pivotal moment, especially for him, and he kicked butt! He was just ON, and I was like "WOW!" I mean we rehearsed it to make sure we were doing the right notes, but when it was time for performance, Todd just turned it on!  He killed it!  WOW, there it was. All I could think was Good job!  I was really proud of him.

Me: Yeah, on the last high note of the song toward the end is a dual note, and the two of you nailed it together. I don't think I ever heard it like that except on the album until that point.

PM: It was a great night… (laughs)

Me: Ok, that's all about Queensryche. I just had to know about that particular moment. It seemed really special. So, when is your tour for Resurrect Me kicking off?

PM: Hopefully soon. Right now, I hope to have at least one more show under my belt before the end of the year, but no tour scheduled yet. I just booked my first Concert Cruise - Cruise To the Edge~2014 that my band members and me are excited about doing in April In the meantime, I'm still practicing with the band.  My Band sounds awesome! The songs translate so well, live.  Very powerful!  That's why I am really excited to get out there and show it off!  Hopefully, other people feel the same way.

Me: So, the album met or exceeded your personal expectations for it?

PM: Oh yeah. It took a long time to make, and the only reason for that was because of a lot of things that happened in between. It was 4 years in the making, and it was only supposed to be one or two. I ended up moving from Chicago back to my hometown, which is Seattle. I did a couple tours with Primal Fear, just a lot of different things that kept me busy. But, I was able to record my first year, and put together my ideas for format on the songs, and I was happy. I was excited about the different things we were working on. It really seemed to resonate with me at the time, a lot of growth came out of it, and I feel like it really pushed me, and pushed my vocal ability, and my heart a little more too. I went through a change, there were some specific things that I can keep for myself, and hopefully, other people can take what they want from it. It’s funny because we pieced this whole thing together. Seriously. We didn't just work out of one studio.We recorded out of four or five different ones, so all things considered, the way that it all fell together, and the common thread between it all, turned into a really good album that I always wanted to make, and I want to do another one.NOW! (smile)

Me: I'll buy it! PM: Well, thank you. (giggles)

Me: I haven't heard any of your previous releases, and I get the feeling that this is your first metal album.

PM: The last album I did that was considered a solo album because I co wrote on it with a friend of mine. It had a harder edge to it, but it wasn't metal or hard rock. It has more of an electronic ambient feel to it. The other releases that I did before, I didn't write on very many of them. On one CD, Solna, I was commissioned to only sing which Ralf Scheepers was also commissioned to do. And then acouple of really early albums from when I had just gotten out of school, those are really soft, album oriented rock, so again, I have a diverse taste in music, but my heart is in the rock and metal vein which I'm known for. I've dabbled in a lot. The only thing I haven’t dabbled in is country.

Me: Lets not do that one just yet. (laughs)

PM: (Laughing) Yeah that might confuse people even more.

Me: Where was the Paranoia video shot?

PM: We shot it in Concrete Washington, which is north of Seattle, in the foothills of the mountains. The building is an old concrete factory that they tried to destroy, but it didn't come down. The area is very peaceful, but eerie. The building has been graffiti all over, there are big holes in the walls from where they tried to destroy the building, and there are stories about something paranormal going on there. It was really the perfect location for the type of song that Paranoia is. It was really cold, and I was damp and cold, and afterward, it seemed to take 24 hours to warm up.

Me: One thing I gotta know is whether or not the album is a concept or themed towards vampires? My wife swears that by listening, she can formulate a vampire story.

PM: That would be awesome. That's funny! I've been asked that before, and it was never intended to be a conceptual album at all. It was just us putting things together, and I think the common thread was me going through these difficult moments, personally, but I can tell you this...One of the songs, Melt Into You. After I heard the music, I went and watched the first episode of Twilight, and the whole idea of falling in love or having a crush on somebody who isn't necessarily that good for you. It might be a bad thing, but it was pretty interesting to me. I think I said in another publication that our most destructive relationships are the most interesting ones, and so that song out of all of them, that’s the one that was probably vampire inspired. But if you think about all the songs, they really could be. If you wanted to write out a movie set, and get your wife to write down what she was thinking, you never know!  Sounds like a great idea! I don't really like to tell people what certain songs are about because its your job or wish as an artist that people latch onto a song and find personal ownership in it, it makes it really interesting for them, and I feel like the song even more. So, if I said, "Ok, this song is about eating cracker jacks." you're like "Well, yeah," and you kind of lose the whole romanticism of your interpretation.

Me: My favorite songs on the album are 'Wide Awake' and 'We are Damaged.' I was wondering what your favorites are.

PM: I love them all! (giggles) My favorite lately has been Awakening. The reason for that is because it’s kind of a sleeper. It has that kind of mid tempo and easy feel to it, and then it takes you into this huge, chaotic and crazy ending. Another one that is becoming a favorite of mine is also 'Wide Awake.' I think of all the songs, that’s the one song that is isn't as dark, and almost like a prequel to the next album.

Me: Its kind of funny that you say that. That song comes off to me as darker, as one of the more darker songs on the album.

PM: Well, it does have a kind of gothic sound to it, with strings, and chanting "I am!" But if you listen to the lyrics, it’s about a rebirth. Finally, you are wide awake. You can see things, and you're rising up, and asking those to come with you. ” I am wide awake”. But the music is probably what you're hearing as dark. Most of the songs have a pretty darker subject matter to them. Lets see, the darkest would be maybe Acquiescent, or even Resurrect Me. There's a lot of things going on in there. I think when you talk about dark content, you may be talking musically. I am talking lyrically. Particularly on Wide Awake.

Me: Yeah, I was referring to the musical content and not the lyrics. How did your band come to be your band?

PM: Michael Posch wrote Most of the music, so for shows, I obviously had to find some people that would fit the bill, and I lucked out. I have some pretty amazing and very professional musicians. These guys have really been under the radar, so once we start playing, a lot of people will stand up and take notice. I want to reenact the album live, and that's pretty much what you hear.

Me: That's good. Is this going to be the band who records the next album with you?

PM: I don't know. We'll have to see. I have about 4 songs that Michael and I have in the box that we revisited this summer. It very well could be that the guys record the album with me, that would be awesome, but you never know.

Me: Judging by the photos from the debut show, it looks like all of you are just up there having a blast.

PM: Yeah, it was awesome, especially for Michael because he and I wrote the album, and this was the first time playing these songs live in front of an audience, and to get the response that we got was simply amazing. We've been really blessed, and that is huge validation, a huge pat on the back!  And, with everybody, the chemistry is just right, and that is really cool because it is really hard to find that, and when you have something like that as a musician, you want to make sure you hang onto that, you know?

Me: Yes, I do. A couple adjectives that I would use to describe your voice are 'haunting and beautiful.' I can remember even back in the 80's when Mindcrime was released, and hearing your voice, and thinking 'who is this lady, and where did they find her?'

PM: I remember back in the 80's, a lot of people thought it was Geoff singing, and once the Empire tour came around, they were like "Oh, it IS a girl singing." (laughs)

Me: Well, those people didn't read the album credits.

PM: No, they didn't, but I am always thankful for compliments for anything I have done. Thank you.

Me: Thank you for an awesome album. I have 2 more questions for you. One, have you ever been approached to sing the National Anthem at a sporting event?

PM: No, I haven't, but I think I'd be afraid. (laughs)

Me: Well, singing acapella is kind of scary.

PM: Its really neat. It is quite the song, and its been done very differently by a lot of different people. Sometimes horribly, sometimes honorably.

Me: The best was Whitney Houston at the Super Bowl in the early 90s.

PM: And what about Christina Aguilera? Come on, you gotta get the lyrics right!  Right?  (laughs)

Me: If you do get to sing it in the future, please make sure someone in your inner circle is filming it.

PM: (laughing) Ok, it seems like everyone is filming everything these days, so that shouldn't be too hard.

Me: Yep. Ok, last question. If you look on You Tube, there is footage from the early 80's of Meatloaf performing with a Pamela Moore. I gotta know if that's you.

PM: Nope. That's not me. In fact, I have been trying to find that woman because we both broke onto the scene around the same time. She has also worked with Bob Segar, and another band. But we get ourselves mixed up and rightfully so because we are both singers with the same name and we've both done a little bit in the business.  Nope. I have always tried to seek her out!

Me: Hey, Pamela, I loved you with Queensryche, and I hear you got a new album about vampires!

PM: (laughing) Yep, and she's like "That's not me! What are you talking about???" So, if you ever come across another Pamela Moore, please tell her that I want to talk to her. (laughs)

Me: Well, I'm not going to take up any more of your time, and I want to thank you for this chance to interview you. I had a lot of fun, and I hope you did too. Hope you have a good night.

PM: Thank you. Spread the word for me, and I really appreciate this opportunity! You have a good night too.

So, buy the album,
 (here is an Amazon link) and see her when she comes to town in concert! Also, if you know the other Pamela Moore, tell her that Sweet Sister Pamela would like to grab a cup of coffee! Her Facebook page is here. Also, book your ticket to see Pamela Moore along with another familiar favorite on  the Cruise to the Edge 2014. 

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