Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Ok, Time To Start Over...Again!


                        Deja Vu???

Ok, everyone! We're going to try this AGAIN! The blog is back, the Bill and Thunder Show is going to be back shortly as a podcast. As well as another podcast about True Crime, called Crimes, Killers, and Cults. Stay tuned, and hopefully, this attempt is the one that brings it back for good! 

I have been extremely busy as of late. I've been working alot, and I've released my own solo album called Legends Never Die. Check it out on Spotify. 

But, with Thunder coming back home soon to Florida, we're ready to take another crack at doing the show. (Once he gets his goofy ass back here)

Legends Never Die album cover

The Will and Thunder Show was what started it all back in 2014. The show ran through 2017, and went through several changes and names. I even tried to start a brand new podcast with other people, but it didn't work. So, you gotta go with what works, and Thunder and I worked. So, here we go! I changed my name to Bill because I released my music under my own name, and I plan on promoting my music on the podcast. (Duh!) 

If you're in a band and want your music reviewed or featured on the show, send me a bio and an mp3 copy of the album with artwork to 

I'm ready for this to happen NOW! But, I have to wait. And, so do you. Patience is a virtue.