Saturday, August 24, 2019

Concert Review: Iron Maiden, 7-18-19, Sunrise FL

Scream for me,
Ft Lauderdale!!!

Ok, I know I'm late to the party in terms of reviewing this concert. I will do better, I promise. I'm back and am going to resume reviewing albums, shows, etc on a regular basis. Now, on to the show! 

Iron Maiden has been my favorite band for most of my life, since I was first introduced to them in the early 80's. But, in all the concerts I've been to, I had NEVER seen Maiden! Shocking, I know. And it wasn't that I didn't want to. Life ALWAYS found a way to prevent me from going. On the Seventh Son of a Seventh Son tour, I had tickets. Something came up at the last minute, and I had to sell them. On Sept 7, 2013 (my birthday) my ex wife and I had just moved to North Carolina, and were broke from the move. What do I find out? Iron Maiden and Megadeth were playing in Raleigh ON MY BIRTHDAY! So, when the Legacy of the Beast tour was announced, I decided I was going and nothing was going to stop me this time.

So, I made it there. I was excited, obviously and was ready to see what I hoped would be the concert of a lifetime. I was out getting a beer when I heard Doctor Doctor by UFO come over the PA system. I knew it was time. I rushed back to my seat in time to hear Sir Winston Churchill's Never Surrender speech. I knew what was coming next. The place lit up with explosions and lights, as the band lept onstage and the iconic intro to Aces High blasted through the arena. A huge spitfire aircraft came down from the roof. It would dive, roll and scramble on cue, then go in again. It stayed there until the end of the second song, which was Where Eagles Dare. 

Rolling, Scrambling, Diving!

The first part of the set was war themed, and the stage reflected that, with changing backdrops featuring the various Eddie war artwork, explosions, and the camouflage terrain cover. Songs also included 2 Minutes 2 Midnight,  The Trooper, where Bruce Dickinson bested a 12 foot high Eddie in a red coat in a sword duel. That segment ended with a Blaze Bayley era song, The Clansman, which Bruce nailed, and made his own. 

The stage then changed to a cathedral type setting with stained glass windows featuring Iron Maiden artwork in them, as well as chandeliers. Religious songs followed, including Revelations, For the Greater Good of God, and another Blayze Bayley era song, Sign of the Cross. It also featured a revved up version of Flight of Icarus featuring Bruce with a flame thrower and a huge winged Icarus hanging from the roof. Although, this Icarus was more lucky than the one in the myth and the songs, because his wings did not turn to ashes. I think the fire marshal might have frowned on that one. 

You could feel the heat all the way up
in my crappy seats

That act finished with Number of the Beast, The Wicker Man, and Fear of the Dark, which featured Bruce creeping around the stage with a lantern, wearing a tattered cloak. Then, the classic single guitar lick from the song, Iron Maiden screeched through the speakers, and during the break in the song, the most terrifying super sized Eddie to date came up over the stage. The Legacy of the Beast Eddie was there for dinner. 

The Encore was The Evil That Men Do, Hallowed Be Thy Name, and Run to the Hills. They could have played 20 more songs, and I would have still loved every minute of it. I knew how amazing Iron Maiden was in concert, which is why I was so irritated that I had never gotten to see them. Was it worth the wait? I gotta say it was. It was in fact the best concert that I personally have ever seen, which is saying a lot because I've seen a lot of great concerts. And, judging by reading other reviews, this indeed was the best production the band, now in their 60's has ever done. They were energetic, bouncing around on stage like they did on the Powerslave tour. Bruce's voice was raw power throughout the show, Steve Harris's fingers were stronger than a weight lifter's femur, Nicko McBrain was all over the place like the playful puppy that he is, and the guitar trio of Dave Murray, Adrian Smith, and Janick Jers was tight as ever. The energy of the band was turned up to 11 as they rushed around from all sides of the stage from the first song to the last. They say they are going to keep pushing forward, and why not?

When you are the undisputed kings of heavy metal, you can do whatever you want. 

Monday, June 3, 2019

Movie Review, Godzillla: King of Monsters

Ohhh no! There goes
The Planet?

Well, here we are. Hollywood has tried its hand at a third Godzilla movie. And, I didn't care for the first two, as I mentioned in my review of the 2014 Godzilla movie. I watched the trailer for Godzilla: King of Monsters, and it looked not just good, it looked REALLY good. So, I went and saw the movie. What did I think of it? Keep reading.

Some spoilers

The movie starts off several years after the previous movie, and politicians are doing what they do best, and politicizing the fact that these monsters or Titans exist. You of course have one side wanting to weaponize them, and another wanting to eradicate them, Then, you have a group of people who want to use them to exterminate half of humanity because we are overpopulated and destroying the planet.

Amateurs! Amateurs, I tell you!

My issues with the previous movie were addressed, as the monsters looked great, detailed, and there were plenty of them. King Ghidorah, Mothra, Rodan, have prominent appearances, while others are just there wreaking havoc all over the world. Why? Because the activists woke them all up from their slumbers to reboot the planet. However, Ghidorah, like in his appearances in the Toho films isn't from Earth. He's alien, and therefore able to control the other monsters...except for Godzilla. So, he is our only hope to defeat Ghidorah, but the military in their infinite wisdom find a way to kill or at least maim the Earth Titans. And, as Godzilla and Ghidorah are doing battle, they use it on both of them. It kills Godzilla, and doesn't even scratch Ghidorah. But luckily, since radiation made Godzilla, it was also able to resuscitate him. He comes back, and an epic battle scene follows, and Godzilla emerges victorious, and takes his place as the King of Monsters.

Ghidorah on a volcano. An iconic scene in the movie

So, as a Toho fan with not much faith in Hollywood's ability to make a good Godzilla movie, what did I think of this one? They got it right. In a HUGE way. The storyline is relevant to the movie, and the characters are conflicted enough to make them interesting. The acting is good, and of course, there are hints about the next film, and how it ties into this storyline rather than being a 'just because'  movie.

This was my only gripe. WTH is he standing on?

But, what made this movie great? It was what was seriously lacking in the previous movie. It was the MONSTERS!!! They all looked great, and were featured with LOTS of screen time. Detailed and up close action that Michael Bay could only dream about for a Transformers movie. Godzilla looks much better than he did in the 2014 movie, and also much better than he did in the 2016 Toho film, Shin Godzilla, which is one of my least favorite Godzilla designs. Rodan looked great as the fire demon, Mothra looked updated, but while they all looked great, King Ghidorah stood out. He and Godzilla looked by far the best. 

Do I HAVE to get my ass kicked in EVERY Godzilla movie??

So, all that being said, I have to admit that Hollywood did Godzilla right this time. A badass movie that belongs in the conversation with some of the all time greatest Godzilla films like Godzilla 1985, Final Wars, etc, etc, etc. Do yourself a favor and see this in the theater, Hopefully, they do as good a job with the next film. My only question is what will Toho's answer be? Their answer to the Iguana movie with Matthew Broderick was one of the best Godzilla films of all time, Godzilla 2000. However, their answer to the 2014 film was the less than impressive Shin Godzilla. So in closing,  Good job, Legendary! I look forward to the next one!

Millie approves, and so do I

PS, I still say someone needs to use Racer X's Godzilla cover in a Godzilla movie soundtrack

Friday, May 24, 2019

Chill Out, People! Game of Thrones Finale

Winter is not
what you thought it was...
...if you weren't paying attention!

SPOILERS! Lots of them!

Oh my god! The sky is falling! Nevermind that our own world is burning, lets get this season of a fictional TV show that takes place in a fictitious world remade! The whole series was a waste of time! 
These were some of the ridiculous comments I read on social media the day after the much anticipated Game of Thrones series finale. For the record, I thought it was great. And as I trolled all the angry and entitled drones on social media, something became abundantly clear to me: Many of the so called fans of the show had not been paying attention. Its simple. I will elaborate. 

First off, the main thing that most of the people were crying about was how Daenerys all of a sudden turned evil when Missaendi was killed. How could that make her instantly turn into everything she hated? Well, its simple. She was that person all along. There were COUNTLESS hints along the way.  For example, every time she talked about the Iron Throne, her voice would change. She exhibited a narcissistic lust for power that was downright uncomfortable. Or a more specific example. When she was trying to get Jon Snow to bend the knee. She was completely obsessive over it. Or how about when they were outside Qarth? She promised to destroy the entire city if they did not capitulate to her. I'm not going to list them all, but the clues were there the whole time. If you didn't see catch them, you were not paying attention. Jon Stark saved the entire kingdom by gutting her. And as for the comments about Drogon not roasting Jon instead of the Iron Throne? Dragons are intelligent. I can't think of a single dragon depiction in anything where the dragon was stupid. Drogon knew that it was the throne that did Daenerys in. Think of Daenerys as a Jedi being seduced by the dark side. And remember, only a Sith deals in absolutes.

Or ME if Danenerys had said it.

Next up is the hate for that happened to Jon Snow, and how he should be king, but he got shipped off to the Nights Watch. This one is even more obvious. Jon never wanted to be king. How many times did he say it throughout the last few seasons? And before he was accepted into the Wildlings, he had no direction. He didn't know who he was. He felt at home with the Wildlings. When Bran sent him back to the Nights Watch, he knew there was no need for a Nights Watch anymore, and that Jon would fall in north of the wall. He could see everything. He knew that was where Jon would be happiest, and that would appease the Unsullied, or at least get them to agree not to kill him. That could have easily turned into a bloody battle, but Bran outwitted them.

You all got any more of those hot, redheaded
single wildling chicks?

Now, let's talk about Bran. These angry people love to bring up the quote where Bran said that he couldn't be the Lord of Winterfell because he was the Three Eyed Raven, followed by his answer about being king. He said "Why do you think I came all this way?" He could see everything, remember? Don't you think that if he KNEW that he would be king, it would be better for all parties involved if he weren't already a Lord? That's part of why Tyrion named him! Another part is the fact that the Unsullied wanted him dead too. Speaking of Tyrion, he's the Hand of the King. So, he is basically in charge anyway.

I could use a drink!

Arya goes off to explore the world, Sansa becomes Queen in the North of an independent Northern country. Jaime and Cersi die together. Everyone gets what they want or deserve! It was a happy ending that arose from the tragedy of Dany becoming The Mad Queen! So, why the outrage??? At least they didn't become LUMBERJACKS for fuck's sake!

And for all you people who signed the petition to get Season 8 redone, how about you get a life? If you're that sensitive, maybe you shouldn't watch TV shows that aren't comedies or reality shows anymore. You can't bitch and whine every time something doesn't go your way. I enjoyed the series, and I am looking forward to the spinoffs. You people who got bent out of shape about Game of Thrones should probably avoid the spinoffs.

And, one last thing...I also saw people griping about how the winter wasn't as long as they were led to believe because of the snow melting and the plant growing north of the wall. Winter was a metaphor for the Night King and the Army of the Dead.

Thank YOU, for Game of Thrones, HBO, Cast, and Crew!