Emotion Overload
The man who's in control
We'll never stop the show
Clever words will rule the world...
...You're the king of 1984!
The Baltimore funk and progressive rock masters are back with their second release, San Francisco Moto. I honestly wasn't sure if they could top their first incredible EP, but they not only topped it, they ascended to a higher plane of existence. And, I'm not even exaggerating. This EP is a true work of art. Its a perfect blend of 80's feeling funk and fusion, while being modern. Its mostly a completely different style from their debut album.
The EP starts off with a synth and guitar instrumental called Theme of Rex Razor that would fit in a scene of Stranger Things. It then slams into King of 1984, an upbeat and catchy tune that is full of stellar vocal performances, pounding drum and bass, and shredding guitar. It then goes into the title track, San Francisco Moto which is also upbeat, but more of a bass oriented tune to starts, but slams into a heavy groove, with brilliant vocal harmony. Last Horizon is the heaviest song on the EP, and it has kind of a 'chase scene in a movie' feel to it. Its absolutely brutal, in terms of guitar. Wicked Rhythm is a nod to their debut, as its funk and groove with a big chorus, and incredible harmony guitar solo.
This band is gifted, and they have probably raised the bar for local Baltimore bands extremely high. Singer, Rob Bradley is not only a great singer, he's a freaking rock star in every sense of the word. But, if you watch their videos, every band member has great stage presence and are rock stars in their own respect. Guitar duo, Maxim Sobchenko and Derrin Ruschell are virtuosos. Bassist, Sebastian Ochoa is a beast, and drummer, Daniel Tipton is extremely tight and skillful. This rhythm section is as solid as a brick wall.
This EP is great. Not only in the songs and musicianship, but also in production. This album is radio ready, and if Thrillkiller were to get signed (and it would be a crime if they don't) they wouldn't have to record a new debut album.
You also want to check out their videos. They were not cheap to make, and the production on them is amazing. The two videos tell the story of Timecop, Rex Razor, and his adventures in time with his time machine that just happened to be installed in a Delorean.