Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Album Review, 3D In Your Face: Lost in the Volume

Loud! Make it Loud!
Turn it up make it 

2 years ago, I had the privilege of  getting to know Omaha, Nebraska's rock and roll pride and joy, 3D In Your Face. I interviewed them several times, and I reviewed their album, Midnight Devils. It is a glam metal masterpiece. When bass player, Sam 'Spade' Morris contacted me, telling me that they were recording a new album, I wondered if they could have a repeat performance of awesomeness. Well, they did. Their new album, Lost in the Volume is a perfect followup to Midnight Devils. It shows the continued maturation and growth of a band that was already firing on all cylinders. 

The first song, 2 Miles Down starts off with a hard and heavy lick from guitar virtuoso, Chris 'Sniper' Hineline, with the band joining in. Singer, Alan 'Hot Rod' King dips deep into his vast vocal range and gets low. The song has a catchy chorus that's perfect for sing along audience participation. And, not to mention a blistering guitar solo from Sniper. The band has changed drummers a couple times since I first came into contact with them, but they seem to have hit the jackpot with John 'The Hammer' Lovings. That's a very appropriate nickname as his sound is heavy and turns the bands low punch from about 8 up to 11. He and Spade combine to knock you into your back seat, and loosen your fillings.


The band explores several different genres on Lost in the Volume, including punk with the song Moscow Queen. But it's punk with 80's glam flashy guitar that isn't there in most punk music. Its a unique and awesome fusion of 2 genres. My favorite song on the album is Loud. Its a metal anthem that grabs you with a Randy Rhoads/ George Lynch inspired hook riff. Once again, Hot Rod explores the lower reaches of his vocal range, but he's all over it in this song. 

Hot Rod

I'm going to stop saying that Sniper is an incredible guitarist on every song. I'm going to put this here, and you need to remember it. Sniper is a phenomenal guitarist who belongs in the same conversation with people like Rhoads, Lynch, and others. His solos are blistering, and his rhythms are catchy yet intricate. He even has a couple unaccompanied breaks in Memphis Mile, rocky/bluesy jam. On Sound of Recklessness, he is simply brutal. 

Lost in the Volume has all of the things that made Midnight Devils a masterpiece. Great songs, a few anthems, a ballad, (Show Me How To Love Again) astounding musicianship, and a production that sounds better than the majority of the music on rock radio stations...even back in the 80's when stellar production was a must. But as I mentioned before, it also shows growth as a band. They seem even tighter and more comfortable together than before, if that's even possible. The radio needs to be 'Baptized by 3D In Your Face.' (A play on the title of track 8, Baptized by the Radio) The song, Static Renegade has a clip of one of their songs being played on the radio. It needs to happen nationwide. Their shows are high energy, and their fans follow them the way New York fans did for Twisted Sister before they got signed. They go to all the shows, and are blown away every time. And, they are getting notoriety too. They've played many festivals with big name bands, such as Rocklahoma. 3D In Your Face delivers 110% both in digital, and on stage.

Lost in the Volume joins Midnight Devils on my cell phone in its entirety. I've been wearing it out, and you will too.If you love the arena sound of 80's metal, this is a must. I've said it before, and I'll say it again..If 3D In Your Face had been around in 1985, they would have headlined arena tours and had platinum albums.

Buy it NOW, and play it LOUD!!!!!

3D In Your Face's links: