If you're a fan of Rush,
and you haven't heard this
band yet, I just gotta know.
Why??? Why not???
YYNOT started with a stroke of unlikely luck. Guitarist and songwriter, Billy Alexander, of LA was browsing YouTube, and happened across the bass covers of bassist, Tim Starace of Melbourne, FL. He was so impressed with the pure sound and precision of Starace's covers, that he contacted him, asking if he wanted to do an online cover collaboration. He agreed, and they started with a drummer, and soon, recruited 19 year old female power singer, Rocky Kuner also of LA. Soon, their videos began catching on like wildfire across the internet. Rush fans worldwide were watching the videos, and demanding more. The band then decided to do Rush styled original songs. A risky move, indeed. But, the fans gobbled the original tunes up, and demanded more. YYNOT was born. They finally settled on drummer, Joel Stevenett of Salt Lake City, UT, and recorded their debut album across state lines, recording their parts, then sending them to Billy Alexander, who mixed and produced it. To date, they have played shows in LA and Florida, with more dates in the works. Fans travel cross country to see them perform.
The album is superb, in terms of musicianship, song writing, and production. You'll have a hard time believing that this was a self recorded and produced album, because the quality sounds as good as any Rush album. The songs cover a wide range of Rush's history and sound. Songs like Hourglass, Kingdom Come, YYNOT, Etheria, Run on Love and Another Trip Around the Sun take you back to the earlier and heavier grooves of Rush, while To Come Back Home, Invisible Heart, and The Curtain Falls represent the newer styles.
Rocky Kuner, Vocals |
While this is all Rush styled, they also have their own definitive style, meaning they are a serious, legitimate progressive rock band. Maybe you're not the biggest Rush fan, but you still like progressive rock or metal, you will like YYNOT. But, they aren't limited to prog. A couple of the songs on the album have commercial appeal, and could easily be radio hits. They've scored a grand slam with this album. It would be hard not to, when you have guitar, bass, and drum virtuosos, fronted by a tiny woman with an enormous voice that is power and beauty combined. You owe it to yourself to get this album. Its one of the best debuts that I've ever heard.
Now, onto the concert...
June 8, 2018, Eau Gallie Civic Center, Melbourne FL. This place wasn't designed for music. There is no stage, no lighting, only a huge empty auditorium. When I walked in there, I thought I was walking into a huge rock club. They went all out on the stage, complete with video screens on the sides. Pro lighting, pro sound system, all state of the art. I was impressed.
They opened with Starace, Alexander, and Stevenett onstage, with Rocky side stage. The opening song was the 2112 Overture/Temples of Syrinx. Suddenly, the screens went blank, and we see the shadow silhouette of Rocky as she did a buildup note into the Syrinx. As she came out on stage, the packed house erupted with applause.
Joel Stevenett, Drums
YYNOT played mostly vintage Rush covers, the newest one that I recall being
Spirit of Radio. They played classics like
A Farewell to Kings, No One at the Bridge, Passage to Bangkok, as well as
Freewill and
Limelight, and many more. They played for 2 and a half hours, and played 6 of the 9 songs on their album. They never ran out of energy, and neither did the fans. They could have done another 2 hours if they had wanted.
In addition to the amazing music, and showmanship, bassist, Tim Starace was surprised by a happy birthday performance by the band and the crowd. 2 people brought boxes of Krispy Crème donuts onstage, and handed them out to fans. We were also treated to a heartfelt story from Billy Alexander, about how he at 11 years old got to go to his first Rush concert, and how that changed his life. The whole speech was a tribute to his sister, who was in attendance, and was treated like royalty for it. Without her taking him to the concert, there would be no YYNOT! After the band played
YYZ, singer, Rocky Kuner got emotional, saying how much all this love from the fans meant to her and the band. She also said that she was blessed to have the best band in the world. I kind of felt blessed to have the 'best band in the world' in my hometown playing a concert, and so did everyone else in attendance.
Billy Alexander/ Guitars and Tim Starace/ Bass |
There were people who had driven from Atlanta, Texas, and even Kansas City to see this concert. They all knew how special this band is, and everyone who has heard them has a feeling that they are going to be huge. They have already been contacted by record labels, and not to mention their growing worldwide fanbase. You definitely want to buy their CD, and see them in concert when you can.
Social Media:
Click to buy the CD
Its also available on Amazon
Yours truly with YYNOT and a photobomber |